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A guide to resources related to the field of archaeology

Brass Thimble with Stamped Phrase, DAACS, The Hermitage   Chinese Porcelain Imari Bowl, DAACS, Monticello   Bone Domino, DAACS, The Hermitage      Mother-of-pearl Needle Guard, DAACS, The Hermitage

About this Guide

The field of archaeology encompasses numerous subdisciplines by method, theory, historicity, time period, geography, cultural grouping, and more. It is therefore beyond the scope of this guide to comprehensively capture all relevant resources. 

As an introductory guide, it will prioritize BGC’s curricular and research strengths, such as archaeological method and theory, historical and local archaeology, ancient craft, artifact analysis, museums and collections, and digital technologies. 

In this guide, you will find information related to:

  • Books: Key introductory resources plus tips on searching the catalog, browsing the stacks, and requesting interlibrary loans.

  • Periodicals: Tips on finding and accessing articles and journals, as well as key archaeology periodicals.

  • Digital Resources: Databases, online tools, and museum collections.

  • Archaeology of NYC: Key introductory resources plus books, articles, websites, and videos related to Seneca Village. 

  • Cultural Property, Heritage, & Repatriation: Introductory web resources and books, and subject search tips.

  • BGC Courses, Exhibitions, & Programs: Relevant past courses, exhibitions, and recorded events, as well as information about the Bard travel program.