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Research Services

Circulation Policies & Procedures

BGC Library is a non-circulating library, which means all books must stay in the building. Students, faculty, staff, and fellows may check out books to their personal shelves or offices for prolonged consultation.

Please follow these instructions; for more information, see our FAQs below.


How to Check Out Books

Faculty and staff:

  • We electronically check out books when they are being taken to faculty and staff offices.
  • Please fill out this check out form or bring your book by the Reference Desk for a librarian to check out for you.
  • NoteBooks checked out to faculty and staff will not have a check-out card on the shelf, but will have a status of "Checked Out" in Folio.

Students and fellows

  • Students and fellows can "check out" books to take to their personal shelves on the 3rd and 4th floors. Checkout card stations are on the Lower Level, 2nd, and 3rd floors.
  • Using a shelf card from the "Blank Cards" bin, enter your name, today’s date including year, the book title, and call number. One shelf card should be filled out for every library book you keep on your shelf.
  • Place your checkout card in the "Completed Cards" bin. Do not place the card on the shelf yourself; library staff will shelve them in the stacks for you!

Sample filled out checkout card:

Sample filled out Checkout Card


Questions? Please email or


Circulation FAQs

1. What if I just need the book for an hour or two?

  • In that case, there’s no need to fill out a shelf card. Feel free to consult the book wherever you’d like within the library, and leave it on a reshelving cart when you are done.

2. I've found a card on the shelf instead of the book I'm looking for - help!

  • Take a look at the information written on the card. If it matches the book you are looking for, find the person's name and check their shelf for the book. The card should stay where it was on the shelf. Student shelves are located on the 3rd floor along the perimeter, and in the two PhD study rooms. The Fellows room is on the fourth floor.
  • It's nice to leave a note or let the person know when you are temporarily taking something from their shelf to consult. If you can't read what's on the card or find the shelf or book you are looking for, let a library staff member know and we will help you.

3. Why are books that are signed out to student shelves marked as “Available” in Folio?

  • Books on student shelves are only signed out on paper using the shelf cards. This means that they are still marked as “Available” in the catalog. If everyone in the community is participating in the system, then all of these books will be available for you to find and use without needing a library staff member’s help.

4. I've found a book in Folio that says it's "Checked out." What does that mean, and can I still access it?

  • We electronically check out books when they are being taken to faculty and staff offices. If the book you need to see is checked out, let a library staff member know. We will recall the book from the patron for you so that you can access it.
  • Note: Books checked out to faculty and staff will not have a check-out card on the shelf; if a book is not on the shelf and there is no card, be sure to check its status in Folio.

5. I've checked the stacks, the reshelving carts, and the student shelves, but there's no sign of the book I need. What should I do?

  • Let a library staff member know! We will help you look for it.
  • If we cannot find the book, we will mark it as “Missing” in the catalog and add it to our list of items to search for. We will then work with you to find an alternative, whether that’s a copy in another library, ILL, an ebook version, or purchasing a second print copy for the library. 

6. The book I need is marked "Missing" in Folio. What should I do?

  • Let a library staff member know! If we are aware that you need access to a missing item, we will work with you to find an alternative, whether that’s a copy in another library, ILL, an ebook version, or purchasing a second print copy for the library. Replacement copies are not automatically purchased for missing items.

7. What do I do with library books I’m no longer using?

  • Please place them on a reshelving cart. Library staff members will reshelve the books and remove the corresponding shelf cards.
  • Course reserve books are the exception to this rule. Please return these books to the correct course reserve shelf when you are done using them.